
on Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Super // Lagendary // The Best

Recently, I am so tired to go to university. Don't know why.. it seems like i'm too lazy to went there. Always rush to the class in the morning.. even when i go out early.. the traffic get me stuck for a while and still.. i manage to arrive on time (830am).

Finally, upgrade my Xbox360 HDD to 120GB.
When I calculate back... I spend the same price as Xbox360 Elite Version..

Arcade + Go Pro + Full HD

Xbox 360 Jasper 256MB + 2 Wireless Controller + 10 Games + 1 Arcade = RM1280
VGA HD Cable = RM50
20GB hard disk with casing for Xbox360 = RM250
160gb WD1600BEVS = RM190
Total = RM1770

Headset + Holiday Pack + Network Cable = Free

Already get my hand on BenQ S42.
C2D P8600 // 4GB Ram // GF9600M GT 256MB etc
the problem is.. i'm not that excited toward laptop anymore..
i guess... only dekstop can make me satisfied with a system..
will upload the pix of BenQ S42 later

Tired... Seriously tired.. as i'm typing here.. i feel pain on my back..
Need some rest? I dont know.. just dont feel like doing anything..
Today learn some new technique of Integration using calculator.. it really save a lot of time
will apply it later on.. -.-

I dont know why.. but i keep on typing on this blog.. sit far from this large screen.. i barely see the word that i type here.. hurmmm...

battery drain.. no more xbox360 for a while.. will buy battery.. If I have a time.. quite bz lately.. suppose to go tu SUK and post office.. but too tired n bz make me head straight home..

when will I get back my honeymoon time where i can go things slowly.. take my time.. relax2..
chill.. didnt rush things.. hurmm.. waiting for that time to come..


0 marks for test.. really make my head feel like its gonna explode any time..
regret? dont know... its my own fault to begin with... hurmm

someone write on her blog that "jgn merungut.. buat keje"
if i said "buat keje.. ttp merungut"
or "keje xbuat.. rungut lebih2 dr org buat keje"
what gonna happen?

this happen a lot of time to people around me...
make me feel more tired as i have to cover some of their work

someone write this on their status "all boy are the same"
or "pompuan ni semua nye sme"
seriously.. i hate those statement..
people who write or use that statement..
with the name of Allah.. those people are so stupid
i repeat STUPID!! IDIOT!!

If we all the same, why bother knowing each other in the 1st place?
why bother communicate with other person?
why we need to compare people? because they ARE different from each other..
if they're the same.. war wont happen.. and many thing wont go the right way

"Manusia dijadikan berpuak2.. berkaum2.. pelbagai jenis.."
sorry.. i cant remember the exact word that i heared before..
it should be something like this..

so if any of my friend use that statement..
honestly.. i will tell him/her in front of their face
"Kau sangat bodo!!"


Anonymous said...

aiyai2.tired?back pain?
let me diagnose u.mayb too much maen game,byk keje etc :)
serious jealous tgk gadget2 di atas.

saye pon x suke org buat statement mcm tu.kalo la nk ckp pon buat la statement cmni mcm ley trime gak..so far laki yg die pnh kapel or pompuan yg die pnh jmpe setakat ni lebey kurang sama perangai instead of put all boys are same.kite yg xde kene mengena pon kene tempias gak.kn?kn?
huu :)

let us celebrate diversity and similarities.

AwoL said...

salam.. aah.. tired gle2.. xtaw r nape.. rasa mcm nk patah je tlg blkg ni.. :P
maybe sbb hari2 naik moto kot.. hari ni naik kete.. esok pun nk drive r.. relax skit tlg ni..

jelez?hehehe.. jgn lor.. awk kne focus kt buku.. jgn jd mcm sy.. lepak2 jer.. kn dh dpt 0 markah..

yup2.. patut pakai ayat mcm tu.. dh explain kt diorang.. but still the same..

zahirah ardy said...

dude, kau nak upgrade result, kena kurangkan main game ahhh! seriously, masa aku kuat main game awal tahun ni, result aku drop gila! then, aku trus start delete banyak game :P be frank lah, memang games are addictive!